Wednesday, March 16, 2011

English Final Exam Study Guide

This is what I am studying for my English class’s final exam along with the types of essay formats!

-          Apostrophes: Used to show possession, contractions, and time or era
-          Quotation Marks: Indicates exact wording and use for sarcasm
-          Period: Use to end a sentence
-          Semi-Colon: Use to connect 2 independent clauses when there is no coordinating conjunction and when there is a conjunctive adverb and use to separate items in a complex list
-          Comma: Use to separate 2 adjectives describing 1 noun, separate floating modifiers from the main clause, separate items in a list of 3 or more items, separate a dependent clause and independent clause when using a coordinating conjunction, separate the main clause from  quotes
-          Colon: Use in a offset list and when adding extra information
-          Hyphen: Use in a two-word number
-          Dash: Use to add extra information
1.      One vs. 99: One word number should be written out, while multi-word number you would use numerals
2.      Starting a sentence: Write out numbers when it starts a sentence, but if it is a year- use numerals
3.      Alike/Different Rule: When describing the same type of noun; make them match
4.      Rounding: Always round to nearest hundreds, thousands, millions, etc
1.      Consider the number that are left
2.      Add preposition
Eight Parts of Speech
1.      Noun: common or general: Words that name people, places, things, or ideas
-Proper noun: specific- nouns that act as subjects
2.      Verb: words that show action
-Modal or Helping Verb- helping verb show a conditional relationship between the subject and main verb
3.      Pronoun: Words that take the place of nouns ex. I, You, Him, Them, Us, It, My, We, Them, All
4.      Adjectives: Words that describe or modify nouns or pronouns.
5.      Adverb: Words that describe or modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs
Special Adverb: Conjunctive adverbs connect clauses
6.      Preposition: Words that tell when, where, or why something happen
-When: Temporal
-Where: Spatial
-Why: Logical
7.      Conjunction: Words that join 2 or more words, phrases, or clauses and show relationships between events
-Coordinating Conjunction: Connect 2 independent clauses along with a comma
IC, cc IC   ex. FANBOYS
-Subordinating Conjunction: Connect an independent clause and a dependent clause sometimes with a comma and sometimes not ex. After, Although, As if, Because, Before, Since, Than, That, If, How
            -Dependent clause first add comma: sc DC, IC
            -Dependent clause last do not add comma: IC sc DC
-Conjunctive Adverb: Connect 2 independent clauses along with a comma and a semi-colon ex. Jenny tried her best; however, she plowed off the dock.
IC; ca, IC
8.      Interjection: Word(s) that indicates feelings, often use with an exclamation point (lots of feelings) or a comma (milder feelings)

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