Monday, March 21, 2011

9th Grade Students Trying WEED!!!

            On Sunday my nephew confessed to me that he had smoked marijuana the other day. After my little lecture about how he shouldn’t do it, he disobeyed and ignored it and smoked it any ways. He told me that it didn’t work. They weed did not get him high at all. It was a good thing that the weed was unable to provide him any average effects. But I am a tad bit angry at the fact that it did actually tried smoking it.  Someone at his school maybe trying to scam for his money by giving him bad weed, or maybe he and his friends are just idiots and did it wrong. The funniest part that he told me was he had brought his black friend along but the black guy had asthma so could not join him and his friends on this stupid experiment. The black guy was just there to show them the procedures on how to smoke their ten dollars worth of bad marijuana. The stupidest part must be how they had tried smoking it outdoors, rather than safe inside a sturdy home.
I’ve tried marijuana when I was in high school as well and was smart enough to try it inside my friend’s home, away from the public. Doing it outside raises your risk of getting caught and even increases the risks of getting hurt (getting hit by a car, falling off somewhere high, etc.) When done inside you are safe from the various dangers of the outside world. I remember the first time I smoked marijuana; the feeling was so awkwardly bad and I don’t know why kids these days are so eager to attempt reaching it. Maybe it’s the media these days. Every time I turn on the radio, on my way to school, I always hear some rapper/entertainer singing about doing drugs. Television is similar too, depicting cool kids/adults smoking or doing drugs in almost every show on the HBO network. I just hope this experience my nephew has gone through will change his mind about ever trying any other drugs out there because the next time he might do it successfully and end up severely injuring himself or worse.

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